Updated Walkthrough

I have realized that the need to click on "EXIT" after the introductory cutscene might confuse some, and lead to believe the game is broken.

I have updated the walkthrough to explain what to do.

Sorry if this caused some confusion.

Thank you all for playing my game!

Any feedback is welcome!

Love, Dave.


ExitRealityWalkthrough.txt 11 kB
41 days ago



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How do I download the walkthrough? There's no link anywhere? I'm loving the start of this game a lot but I'm incredibly stuck right now in the forest leading up to the door :(

(1 edit) (+1)

figured out how to open the door! for anyone else who's stuck there, one of the screens has an area to the right side that when traversed takes you to a blank screen with nothing but an ear and a hand- find your way through the ear maze!

Hey! Thanks for trying out the game! On the main game's page, you should be able to download the .txt file.

Please do notify me if you are having problems!!

All the best, 


(1 edit) (+1)

i finished the game and im flabbergasted- i pray you can someday make a living from your art so you can create more works like this! i was shocked at just how much content the game had and how thought provoking the narrative ended up being... you should be extremely proud of this game <3

Thank you so, so much! I'm so glad you liked the narrative! That, along with the design of the areas, is what I put the most effort in and what I cared about the most... 

I would love to make a living from my art, but I am afraid that it would be quite difficult. One can dream...! 

Thank you so much!! 

Love <3